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Webinar: Encouraging Conversation: Talking about Equity with Volunteers Using the Identity Signs Exercise  | September 26th @ 1pm EST | Free Registration
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Volunteer Fox Cities
Hands On Twin Cities
Get Connected is the most cost-effective volunteer management solution for Animal Shelters.

Get Connected is the best volunteer management solution for Volunteer Centers.

  • Allows members of your community to browse existing needs and then register for service opportunities that align with their individual passions and skills.
  • Enable nonprofits to easily promote volunteer opportunities, in‐kind needs, and special events using a familiar social environment.
  • Generate reports on all volunteer data to capture information about community impact.
  • Provide a community calendar that displays events and needs.
  • Build a database of volunteers and provide tools that easily communicate and engage volunteers in a targeted way.

See how Get Connected helps you engage more volunteers