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Starting a Volunteer Program from Scratch: The Ultimate Guide

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Are you ready to start a new volunteer program?

You may already have a few volunteers that you call upon to support your organization. But creating an official volunteer program will help you build a foundation for recruiting more volunteers and growing your community impact. 

In this article, we’ll show exactly how to start a volunteer program. 

Here’s what you’ll learn:

As you learn how to start your volunteer program, make sure you have the right tools in place! Learn more about how Get Connected can easily bring your volunteers, tasks, and data together  

What Is a Volunteer Program?

A volunteer program is an organizational structure for recruiting and managing volunteers while supporting community volunteer activities. 

You may be wondering, does our organization really need a volunteer program? 

Volunteer programs benefit our associations and our communities by

  • Enhancing impact of community organizations
  • Improving an organization’s outcomes
  • Delivering essential services that not only save costs for the organization but also address the critical needs of the community, filling gaps where necessary provisions are lacking
  • Supporting the necessary functions of an organization

If you’re looking to build capacity at your organization and leverage volunteers to help solve a problem, you’ll benefit from starting a volunteer program

How to start a volunteer program answering what is a volunteer program

FREE DOWNLOAD: Increase the impact of your programs with our Volunteer Program Planning Worksheet

How Volunteers Support Your Organization

From nonprofits to businesses, all kinds of organizations rely on volunteers to help make their communities safer, healthier, and happier places. In fact, many community organizations rely on unpaid volunteers for:

  • Providing direct services to clients
  • Supporting organizational operations
  • Offering pro bono work and unique skills 
  • Aiding fundraising efforts

During the volunteer program planning process, your organization will determine how it will tap into volunteer time and skills to help achieve your mission. 

Starting a volunteer program is about more than taking on a few volunteers. It requires careful coordination and the right tools to make the best use of your volunteers’ time. 

But with these tools and thoughtful planning, setting up a successful volunteer program becomes achievable and rewarding. 

So, now that you know why you need a systematic approach to managing volunteers, let’s get into how to set yourself—and your volunteers—up for success.

How to start a volunteer program and how volunteers support your organization 

How to Develop Your Volunteer Program 

You’re passionate about your cause and ready to take on volunteers to tackle challenges big and small. 

Your next step is to lay the groundwork for a successful and sustainable program before you begin recruiting volunteers. Which begs the question, how to start a volunteer organization?

What Makes a Volunteer Program Successful?

A well-managed volunteer program uses available resources efficiently (more on resource management later) so that volunteer leaders can focus on building relationships with volunteers, community partners, and other stakeholders. 

Here’s what success can look like in a volunteer program:

  • The program addresses the real needs of the community.
  • Program leaders forge meaningful partnerships with community leaders, stakeholders, and clients to ensure the community’s diverse voices are heard. 
  • Program leaders regularly evaluate the mission, goals, and processes.
  • Volunteer leadership connects volunteers with opportunities that match their passions, skills, and availability.

The volunteer leader is tasked with overseeing the day-to-day management of volunteers. These volunteer management activities ensure that the volunteer program as a whole is meeting its goals and delivering on its mission. 

  • Community Needs & Volunteer Motivations: To elevate your volunteer program, go beyond basic needs assessments. Employ advanced data analytics to determine community needs and volunteer motivations. Adaptability isn't just a buzzword; it's your strategy for long-term community impact.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Forget mere networking; think alliance-building with community leaders and stakeholders. Leverage these alliances for grant applications, co-sponsored events, and shared resource pools. The goal is a reciprocal relationship that enriches the community fabric.
  • Mission & Goals Evaluation: Seasoned leaders know a static mission can spell obsolescence. Implement quarterly reviews of your mission and goals against performance metrics and community feedback. Use this data to pivot strategies and maintain alignment with community needs. 
  • Volunteer Skill Matching: Don't just fill shifts, but find volunteers their ideal role. Use volunteer interviews to match them with roles that not only need their skills but also fuel their passions. The result is a more engaged, effective volunteer base. 
  • Operational Efficiency: Operational success is just the beginning. Make your volunteer program more efficient with proven methods like flexible planning. Plan for improvements instead of just measuring outcomes.
  • Inclusive Decision-Making: Inclusion is more than a policy—it's an organizational value that centers community in decision-making. Use collaborative tools to include volunteers in decision-making processes. Regularly ask for their input through volunteer surveys, in-depth interviews, and focus groups to continually refine your program.

By adopting these advanced strategies, you're not just running a volunteer program; you're leading a community transformation initiative. Your volunteers become advocates, your partnerships become multipliers, and your program leads the way to volunteer-led community development.

How to start a volunteer program and activities to meet mission goals

Making it SMART

A successful volunteer program adheres to SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) principles. A robust volunteer program goes beyond SMART principles, integrating strategic initiatives aligned with volunteer skills and community needs. Initial implementation of the volunteer program policy should take place in tandem with a nonprofit program planning worksheet, ensuring that each action item is backed by data-driven insights.

In developing a volunteer program, curate roles that tap into specialized skills for targeted impact. Success measurement extends to advanced analytics, not just basic assessments. Effective management involves empowering volunteers as stakeholders.

Strategic partnerships and a commitment to social equity are key. Your volunteer program template should be agile and scalable, designed to evolve with community and organizational needs.

How to start a volunteer program and what makes a volunteer program successfull

Let’s learn more about how volunteer management can support your program.

Download your free volunteer program planning worksheet

What Does Successful Volunteer Management Look Like? 

The first step in developing a volunteer program is to have an effective volunteer management plan. It's volunteer management that truly makes a volunteer program—a group of well-managed volunteers is a force to be reckoned with!

Check out our all-inclusive guide to volunteer management or keep reading for details on the building blocks of a successful volunteer program. 
  1. Volunteer Recruitment - Volunteer recruitment is the process of finding and attracting volunteers. You’ll need a strategy for continuously recruiting volunteers to drive your program forward. Read more about volunteer recruitment 
  2. Volunteer Scheduling - Your volunteer program will need a method of placing and scheduling volunteers once they express interest in your organization. The volunteer coordinator will oversee the scheduling of volunteers, but many programs find that self-scheduling through a designated volunteer website is the most efficient way to place volunteers. Learn how to schedule volunteers >
  3. Volunteer Engagement - Volunteer engagement is a series of activities that keep current volunteers engaged with your organization from the moment they sign-up for an opportunity (and beyond). Keeping volunteers happy and interested in your organization leads to better work, greater impact, and improved return on investment. Strategies for engaging volunteers 
  4. Volunteer Recognition - Volunteer recognition should be a part of your engagement strategy, but it’s so important we gave it its own number! Recognizing your volunteers goes a long way in improving volunteer retention so that you know you always have the volunteers you need to support your program. Top tips for recognition and appreciation >
  5. Tracking Volunteer Impact - Capturing your volunteer program’s impact is a great way to show your volunteers how much they’ve accomplished. Tracking volunteer time is also necessary for winning grants and growing your program. Get free volunteer hours log templates >

How to start a volunteer program and a list of successful volunteer management strategies

By managing each area well, your volunteer program can successfully support active, long-term volunteers while enhancing outcomes at your organization. 

Resources You’ll Need to Start a Volunteer Program

What resources are available to your organization? Here are the key resources you’ll need when creating a volunteer program:

  • People Power
  • Funding
  • Tools and Technology
  • Training

Let’s take a deeper look at each of these categories:

Investing in People

Think about the staff and volunteers you need to run your volunteer program. Will you need paid volunteer leadership? Do you plan on using administrative volunteers to help manage the program? We’ve compiled a list of resources for supporting the people that make up your program:
  • Understanding the Role of the Volunteer Leader - When starting a volunteer program, it’s important to understand what volunteer leadership will look like. Check out our guide on the responsibilities of volunteer leaders, including suggested leadership models for managing volunteers based on your program’s needs. 
  • Volunteer Leadership Training Resources - Whether their paid staff or volunteers themselves, your volunteer leadership team will need training to do their jobs well. We recommend this article chock-full of insight and resources on volunteer manager training and professional development
  • Volunteer Training Strategies - Transitioning to the volunteers, effective training extends beyond routine procedures—it's a crucial element that drives your program's success. Here's how to enhance volunteer training:
  1. Clarify Goals and Track Success: Set clear targets for what you want your training program to achieve. Use practical measures, like how well volunteers perform their tasks, to see if the training is effective. This is important, as sometimes the real impact of training in volunteer settings isn't fully considered.
  2. Use Engaging Training Methods: Rather than sticking to basic online modules, think about using more interactive learning tools. These could include engaging online platforms with features like personalized learning paths and fun, game-like elements. Also, make sure these tools are accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities.
  3. Watch and Learn from Volunteer Involvement: Keep an eye not just on who finishes the training but also on how engaged volunteers are while learning. This way, you can use real insights to make your training even better.

Remember, training methods can vary. Some groups might have a mix of online learning to complete before hands-on training. This is especially true for organizations that need detailed training, like those in healthcare or education, where it might be harder to get volunteers to finish because of the intense commitment required. Other groups might do more on-the-spot training, like at a food bank. It's more about learning as you go. Also, think about ongoing training for volunteers who want to take on different roles or lead others. A well-crafted training handbook can be a valuable resource for both new and seasoned volunteers.

How to Fund Your Volunteer Program

Many people ask how to start a community service organization but did you know that over a third of volunteer programs have a budget of less than $5,000? Many volunteer leaders agree that their programs are underfunded. That’s why it’s critical to figure out how you can leverage the resources you have to build capacity. 

Before you reach for funding, you’ll need to figure out your program expenses. Some of your highest volunteer program costs will likely include:

  • Staff - Depending on the structure of your organization, your budget may need to include paid staff, like volunteer supervisors and development officers, who will manage and support your volunteer program. Include their salaries, benefits, and professional development expenses.
  • Advertising and Marketing - These are the costs associated with advertising your volunteer program and recruiting new volunteers. These types of costs might include Google Ads and flyers. 
  • Tools and Technology - Think about the tools and technology you’ll need to do your job well. Things like a website for volunteers to sign-up for activities, printed volunteer training manuals, and materials volunteers will need to perform their activities (such as gardening tools or craft supplies). 
  • Other Volunteer Expenses - Miscellaneous expenses like volunteer t-shirts, appreciation gifts, and transportation add up!  

These are just some of the costs associated with running a volunteer program. Other overhead costs such as facilities expenses should also be considered by your organization. 

Once you’ve listed your predicted costs, you’ll need to figure out how to cover these costs. 

Here are some ways to fund your program:

  • Charitable Donations - Work with your board to direct a portion of the organization’s total charitable donations and membership fees toward your volunteer program.
  • Event Proceeds - Allocate a portion of revenue from fundraising events. Or, create an annual event where total revenue goes toward funding your volunteer program. 
  • Merchandise Sales - Use your organization’s website and social media channels to sell t-shirts featuring your organization’s logo. Or sell items made by volunteers, from art to calendars to community cookbooks. 
  • Grants - Some grants, such as local or federal government initiatives, can be used for volunteer programs. You’ll want to check each grant’s eligibility requirements and get familiar with these grant writing tips
  • In-kind Donations - Reach out to local companies and community members to donate goods and supplies needed to support your volunteer program. Donated items such as laptops, office furniture, building supplies, and even discounted utilities and services can help cut down on initial expenses. 

Finding funding can seem like one of the greatest challenges of starting a volunteer program. However, a big part of securing funding is making the case for your program; tap into the passion that drove you to start your program, mix in a bit of resourcefulness, and you’re on your way to a sustainable and impactful volunteer program.      

Get your free volunteer program planning sheet

The Best Tools for Managing Volunteer Programs

We understand that technology can seem intimidating. And there’s certainly a lot of it out there! But forward-thinking volunteer programs adopt tools specifically designed for their needs. 

Tools like volunteer management software save volunteer leaders hours of administrative work each week so they can focus on relationship building and capacity building. Even better, organizations strapped for resources will save money in the long run by investing in smart tech today. 

Just looking for an easy volunteer tracking tool that you can set up in 5 minutes and start using for free? Try Shift!

Here are the top tools for managing a volunteer program:

Communication Tools

A communications tool, like a CRM or email platform, is vital for effective volunteer management. You will use this tool to:

  • store volunteer contact information
  • communicate necessary information
  • engage volunteers with email newsletters, texts, and marketing materials

Some volunteer management software options offer an integrated communications tool that allows coordinators to filter and sort contacts already registered in the system. They also provide automated messaging, which helps to streamline communication and save time. 

Registration and Scheduling Tools

Online registration and scheduling can save volunteer program managers hours per week. We found that the best registration and scheduling options integrate with your existing website or volunteer management platform and also allow volunteers to:

  • Register themselves quickly using their contact information
  • Create a profile easily to house contact details, waivers, hours, and interests 
  • Self-select volunteer shifts

Tools for Tracking Volunteer Hours

Your volunteer data has the power to unlock funding, inspire support, and empower your volunteers. 

That’s why volunteer leaders must track volunteer hours and their impact. 

Look for a volunteer hours tracking tool that allows volunteers and program managers to log hours in multiple ways, such as on-site check-in and flexible hours submission forms. Volunteer program coordinators rely on robust reporting tools to quickly compile the data needed to inspire donors and win grants. 

How to start a volunteer program and evaluating software options

You’ve created an inspiring mission, forecasted your budget, and invested in time-saving tools. Now it’s time to take action with actionable steps on how to start a volunteer program. 

4 Steps for Starting a Volunteer Program

Are you setting up a volunteer program? Follow these 4 essential steps: 

  1. Understand Your Needs
  2. Write a Mission Statement
  3. Name Your Volunteer Program
  4. Make a Strategic Plan

How to start a volunteer program list of to-dos

1. Understand Your Needs

When learning how to create a volunteer organization, it considers two types of needs: 

  1. Your community’s needs - Your volunteer program should address a genuine need or fill a service gap in your community.
  2. Your organization’s volunteer needs - You’ll need to understand how your organization can use volunteers to fill this gap. 

Let’s take a deeper look at these two types of needs:

Community Needs

The cornerstone of any successful volunteer program is a deep understanding of the community's needs. For those with extensive experience in volunteer management, the challenge lies not just in identifying these needs but in leveraging advanced methodologies to do so.

When planning your program, consider these questions:

  • What are the specific community needs that your organization is uniquely positioned to address, and how do these align with long-term strategic goals?
  • How can you engage community members and key stakeholders through targeted outreach and partnerships, moving beyond traditional methods?
  • What data-driven approaches can you employ to gather granular insights into community preferences for volunteer services?
  • How can you tailor your volunteer program to the varying demographics of your community? 
  • How will you set up a real-time feedback mechanism that not only adapts but anticipates changes in community needs and volunteer engagement?

If you haven’t conducted a community needs assessment, we recommend you follow these community needs assessment guidelines and examples

Volunteer Needs

When learning how to set up a volunteer program, you’ll want to understand where volunteers will fit into your program, and you can use their services to address community needs. 

When planning your program, give these questions some thought: 

  • What services does our organization already provide? Where are we already using volunteers? Can any of our current services be adapted for volunteer activities? 
  • Where are our resources limited within our organization? How can volunteers support the day-to-day operations of our organization? How many volunteers do we think we need to support these activities? How many hours per week? What skills do our volunteers need to fill these roles successfully? 
  • Based on our community needs assessment, what direct services will the volunteer program provide? What roles do we anticipate volunteers filling? How many volunteers do we need to provide direct services?
  • Are volunteers eligible for board membership? How will we incorporate volunteers’ input into the development, direction, and growth of our organization?

Gathering Volunteer Information. For seasoned professionals, gathering volunteer data transcends basic contact details—it's a strategic endeavor that informs program optimization. Go beyond names and emails to collect nuanced data like specialized skills, preferred commitment levels, and past volunteer experiences.

Leverage this data through advanced analytics or specialized volunteer management platforms to facilitate role allocation based on predictive success metrics. This isn't just about filling roles; it's about maximizing the impact of each volunteer through data-driven decision-making.

Craft personalized thank-you messages and training modules informed by this data. Tailor the volunteer journey to align with both your organization's goals and the individual's skill set. The end game? A high-performing, tightly-knit community of volunteers who are not just participants but stakeholders in driving change.

There are lots of ways volunteers can get involved in your organization from providing direct service to fundraising to managing your program’s social media accounts. You’ll be amazed at just how much you can accomplish with volunteers on your team!

2. Write a Volunteer Program Mission Statement

Your mission statement will define what you’re trying to accomplish with your volunteer program. A strong mission statement helps steer the planning process and drive your efforts moving forward.  

Writing a mission statement is more than crafting a catchy phrase; it's about encapsulating the strategic objectives of your volunteer program in a way that resonates with stakeholders. Aim for brevity, but ensure each word is loaded with meaning that aligns with your program's KPIs and long-term impact metrics.

Following the mission, a vision statement is formulated. This isn't merely an extension of the mission; it's your strategic volunteer program outline. It should articulate not just what you aim to achieve but also how you'll measure success, considering both quantitative and qualitative metrics. It serves as the framework for tactical planning and decision-making. 

Know Your Mission

To write a mission statement, you need to know your mission! Begin by brainstorming the purpose—or mission—of your volunteer program. 

Use these questions to help guide your mission:

  • What impact do we hope our volunteer program will have? 
  • What specific communities will our organization serve?
  • Where do we anticipate needing volunteers? 
  • How will volunteers align with our program’s aim?

Once you can answer these questions, you’re ready to get writing. 

Characteristics of a Winning Mission Statement

Wondering what a strong volunteer program mission statement looks like? Here are a few fundamental components of a successful mission statement with examples from our clients: 

The mission statement addresses an unmet problem or need.

We mobilize and support a robust network of people, partners, and resources to co-create opportunities for every person in our community to live free from poverty and injustice.

United Way of Asheville Buncombe County

The mission statement is focused and succinct.

The Humane Rescue Alliance protects animals, supports families, and advocates for positive change to create a world where all animals can thrive.

The Humane Rescue Alliance

The mission statement inspires stakeholders. 

San Diego Theatres delivers exceptional performing arts and educational experiences, fosters collaboration and partnerships, and creates an accessible place for all people to enjoy the arts.

San Diego Theatres

3. Name Your Volunteer Program

While learning how to create a volunteer program, you may take the name of your program for granted, but naming your volunteer program may be more important than you think. The truth is, volunteers have many choices of where to devote their time. When volunteer programs have memorable names and creative marketing, they’re more likely to stand out from the crowd. 

Check out our list of over 100 creative volunteer program names for all types of volunteer programs and causes. Be sure to download our Volunteer Program Name Generator—it’s a fun tool that will help you create a volunteer program name that sticks!

4. Make a Volunteer Program Strategic Plan

How do you create a successful volunteer program? Have a plan. 

Your plan should outline your approach to setting up the following volunteer management areas:

  • Volunteer Recruitment
  • Volunteer Engagement
  • Volunteer Communications
  • Volunteer Recognition

How to start a volunteer program and activities to meet mission goals

Now, let’s have a more detailed look at each of these components:

Volunteer Recruitment

Volunteer recruitment is essential when starting a volunteer program. So, you’ll need to have a recruitment strategy in place from the outset. 

Volunteer recruitment involves:

  1. Advertising your opportunities
  2. Managing new volunteer registration
  3. Screening incoming volunteers
  4. Developing strategic partnerships

Looking for Volunteer Management Software

You can find ways to streamline all of these tasks and more by adding volunteer management software tools to your program. 

Volunteer management software isn't just a convenience; for experts in the field, it's a strategic asset that can be leveraged for program optimization. This tool consolidates all volunteer-related activities, offering a unified dashboard that not only simplifies recruitment but also provides actionable insights into program performance.

When evaluating software options, prioritize the following advanced features:

  1. Customization: Look for platforms that offer high levels of configurability in recruitment, scheduling, and admin settings, allowing you to tailor the software to your program's unique operational complexities.
  2. Recruitment Workflows: Opt for software that automates the volunteer onboarding process, from document collection to background checks, thereby reducing manual oversight and improving compliance.
  3. Scheduling: Seek out robust scheduling capabilities that integrate with other enterprise systems, enabling real-time updates and minimizing scheduling conflicts.    
  4. Self-Service Options: Choose a platform that empowers volunteers with self-service capabilities, allowing them to align their commitments with their schedules, thereby increasing satisfaction and retention.   
  5. Reporting: Ensure the software offers advanced reporting features that integrate seamlessly with your existing CRM system, enabling data-driven decision-making and facilitating a 360-degree view of volunteer contributions.   

Lastly, don't overlook the value of a mobile app feature. Real-time communication with volunteers is crucial for rapid response and adaptability, enhancing the volunteer experience and your program's agility.

Remember, you’re looking for volunteers committed to your cause, so striving for a few committed volunteers rather than many disengaged volunteers may be a more valuable use of your resources when starting a volunteer organization.

Volunteer Engagement

A strong volunteer program relies on happy, active volunteers. That’s why you need a volunteer engagement strategy that keeps them choosing your organization. 

Volunteer engagement starts by cultivating a positive experience for each volunteer. Here are some more strategies for better engagement:

  • Match your volunteers - Opportunity matching ensures your volunteers are best utilized based on their passions, skills, and expertise. 
  • Vary your opportunities - Short-term projects with high impact are great for new volunteers, as they tend to be more manageable. Once volunteers have experienced success, they’re more likely to commit to long-term volunteer opportunities. 
  • Welcome new volunteers - Welcome new volunteers with a personal email. A volunteer orientation will provide an opportunity for new members to get acquainted with–and invest in– your organization. 
  • Set clear expectations - Involve participants in setting goals and expectations for the volunteer role. Provide adequate volunteer training so that your volunteers feel prepared and invested. Supervise volunteers during their shifts and offer constructive feedback and recognition.
  • Thank your volunteers - Always thank your volunteers for their service. When volunteers feel useful, prepared, and appreciated, they’re more likely to engage in your cause and become committed volunteers and donors.    

Crafting an intricate volunteer program strategic plan isn't just beneficial—it's indispensable for organizations aiming for scalable impact. This plan serves as an operational blueprint, integrating advanced methodologies to ensure that not just the basics but also the nuances are well-addressed.

The plan should go beyond the "three R's" of volunteering—Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition. It should also incorporate Software and Tools, Marketing, Training, and Communication, focusing on data analytics, automation, and stakeholder engagement.   

For veterans in the field, key planning elements should involve a SWOT analysis to identify organizational support needs, integrating just-in-time or continuous support models, role-specific volunteer management, dynamic hour allocation based on real-time needs, and a benefits package designed to attract specialized skill sets. 

Your plan should also specify multi-channel recruitment strategies, AI-driven communication protocols, competency-based training modules, and community-building through strategic partnerships. Finally, consider advanced engagement tools with predictive analytics to measure and enhance volunteer satisfaction and contribution.

How to start a volunteer program and volunteer engagement practices

Volunteer Communications

Your strategy should include a plan for keeping your volunteers informed and updated. Your plan should allow you to share important information effectively and respond to volunteer queries efficiently. 

The best way to establish a system of communication between volunteer managers and volunteers is to start a volunteer database. 

Most organizations choose email as the primary method of communication—although many are also adopting text messaging to reach their volunteers fast. 

Whether you decide to email, call, or text your volunteers, you need a way for capturing their information. 

A volunteer database is a tool for storing volunteer contact information and facilitating communication between your organization and its volunteers. Besides storing volunteer contact information, your volunteer program database can also house detailed records on potential volunteers, like their skills, interests, and availability.    

The most effective volunteer database is web-based so that all your volunteer contact information is stored online and accessible anywhere. 

Gathering volunteer information doesn’t have to be complicated! Volunteer management software centralizes your communications and automates much of your outreach, drastically simplifying volunteer communications.  

Streamline Ongoing Volunteer Management and Communication

While learning how to start volunteer organization, realize that effective ongoing volunteer management isn't just about day-to-day tasks; it's a strategic initiative that directly impacts the long-term success and scalability of your program. A well-managed volunteer experience not only encourages return participation but also turns volunteers into advocates for your cause. 

Here are some advanced strategies for managing volunteers:

  • Optimize Check-in Process: Go beyond basic check-in procedures by integrating real-time analytics into your volunteer management platform. This enables immediate adjustments based on attendance patterns, facilitating more accurate performance evaluations and resource allocation. 
  • Maintain Open Communication: Don't just keep volunteers informed—keep them engaged. Use advanced communication platforms that offer features like segmented messaging and automated alerts to ensure that each volunteer receives targeted, role-specific updates. This enhances situational responsiveness and decision-making.
  • Offer Ongoing Support: Go beyond a simple contact person by providing an accessible support structure. This could include FAQ sections, help desks, and prompt chat support. For longer-term commitments, look into wellness initiatives like yoga sessions, mindfulness workshops, or meditation breaks to support volunteer well-being.

By optimizing your volunteer program logistics with these advanced strategies, you're not just making volunteers feel valued—you're maximizing their impact and, by extension, elevating your program's overall effectiveness.   

How to start a volunteer program and streamlining ongoring volunteer management and communication-1

Building Strong Volunteer Programs

Creating a successful volunteer program within a nonprofit involves strategic steps such as identifying community needs, precise volunteer role and opportunity descriptions, volunteer management software, and lasting relationships. By paying attention to each phase, an organization can engage and retain volunteers, amplify their impact, fulfill their mission, and foster positive change. 

Engaging and Retaining Volunteers

Volunteers are crucial to nonprofit organizations. To engage them, create a motivational environment, match their skills with appropriate tasks, and provide opportunities for growth. To retain them, communicate effectively, recognize their efforts, and address their needs. These efforts can transform volunteers into passionate advocates, enhancing the organization’s impact and facilitating positive change.


Don't forget your free Volunteer Program Planning Worksheet!

Volunteer Recognition

Most of us probably agree; acknowledgment for our hard work feels great! Your volunteers are no different. Therefore, acknowledging your volunteers’ efforts should be an essential component of your program plan.  

From a simple thank you note to an annual volunteer banquet, there are many creative ways to show your appreciation. The important thing is that you establish a consistent, genuine system for letting your volunteers know they’re valued.

The good news is we’ve already put together lots of creative ways to thank your volunteers, so they’re ready to incorporate into your program strategy. 

Creating a volunteer program doesn’t have to be rocket science. But it should be intuitive. Your program exists because you have identified a gap in service, and volunteers are the change-makers your community needs. 

If you’re learning how to start a volunteer program, take the time to plan each stage of the volunteer management process to address your community’s needs.

Developing and Managing Relationships

In the grand scheme of your volunteer program, relationship management is a cornerstone. Start by ensuring that volunteer job descriptions are accurate and specific, outlining the skills needed for each role. Diversify the time commitments available to accommodate different schedules. A volunteer database is indispensable for tracking the skills, interests, and preferred contact methods of potential volunteers.   

Consider leveraging volunteer management software like Get Connected. This web-based platform seamlessly integrates with your existing website, streamlining the volunteer recruitment process. By aligning volunteers with roles that genuinely interest them, you not only enhance their experience but also increase the likelihood of long-term commitment. Sustaining these relationships is vital for achieving your mission and objectives.   

Reporting Your Success

Effective volunteer program reporting is more than metrics; it's strategic insight that drives growth. Use advanced analytics to dissect engagement patterns and measure ROI. This not only secures funding but also attracts quality volunteers and partners.

Documenting each cycle serves as a blueprint for innovation. Dive into analytics, share triumphs and setbacks, and adapt. This elevates your program's impact and sets you up as a leader in volunteer management.

For those ready to take their volunteer program to the next level, a structured, data-driven approach is essential. That's where our Volunteer Program Planning Worksheet comes in handy.

Don't forget your free download:
Increase the impact of your programs with a Volunteer Program Planning Worksheet

And don't forget the right tools to lead and engage your volunteers. Learn more about how Get Connected can help jumpstart your new volunteer program

Trusted by thousands of amazing volunteer leaders.

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