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Webinar: Volunteer Feedback: How a Culture of Balanced Communication Supports Retention | August 22nd @ 1pm EST | Free Registration
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Watch Virtual Volunteerism and Real-World Data

What you'll learn:

In this webinar recording for volunteer leaders, you’ll see real-world nonprofit examples of how Virtual Volunteerism can be added to any nonprofit’s program. You’ll learn:

    1. How to find hidden volunteers and networks in your program’s data
    2. How to create structured recruitment action steps
    3. How to build initiatives targeted towards growth, impact, and increased engagement 

Want a little more on Virtual Volunteerism? We’ve got you covered with this guide:

How to Support Volunteerism at Home: A Guide to Recruiting and Engaging Virtual Volunteers

I hope you enjoy the recording – save the link and watch again for fresh inspiration going forward.

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